Cancellation policy

  1. Cancellation within 24 hours of purchase: You have the option to cancel your order for any reason within 24 hours of placing it. After this time frame, we cannot accept cancellations.

  2. Cancellation with a cancellation fee: If you decide to cancel your order after 24 hours but before your item is shipped, 0% cancellation will apply.

  3. Cancellation with a refund: Cancelling your order before it is shipped entitles you to a full refund. However, if you cancel after the item has been shipped, the refund will be issued minus shipping and handling charges.

  4. Cancellation with rescheduling: If you need to cancel your order but would like to reschedule it for a later date, please get in touch with our customer service team to arrange a new delivery date.

  5. Cancellation for custom orders: Please note that custom orders cannot be canceled or refunded once production has commenced.

We recommend reviewing our cancellation policy before making a purchase to ensure you are familiar with and agree to the terms and conditions.